Celebrating Food & Culture
Added by Apunipima Cape York Health Council
- Our Tucker
- 2,988 hits
'Bush tucker is the best for you... I recommend that pregnant ladies should eat more of it' - Mayor Michael Yam, Kowanyama community
- Language:English
- Location:Cape York, QLD, Australia
- Duration:00:02:48
- Producer or Facilitator:Hudson Films
- Talent:Samantha Martin (Bush Tukka Woman), Priscilla Major, Hazel Barr, Chrissy Aiden, Michael Yam
- Custodians:Yir Yoront, Yirrk Thangalkl, Koko Bera, Uw Oykangand, and Olkola people
- English Subtitles:Yes
- Genre:Cooking Shows & Bush Food
- Year Completed:2019
- Director:Ewan Cutler
- Music & Musician:n/a
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