
11 Videos   5 Contributors

About Iwaidja

Videos in Iwaidja

Results 1 - 11 of 11

Minjilang - Croker Island
Written, recorded and produced by the young people of Minjilang with Red Dust at Mamaruni School, Croker Island. Special thanks to Stanley, Marcus and Jimmy for sharing their Manyardi and all the staff at Mamuruni School.
Our Music03:471,472 views
Pathways - Mamaruni School
Pathways - Mamaruni School
Young Way02:481,584 views
Home to Minjilang
Home to Minjilang: music video made by SoundED in collaboration with West Arnhem Regional Council, With many thanks to the Mamaruni School for their support of this project.
Our Music03:153,782 views
Iwaidja speakers are working together with school teachers and linguists from the University of Western Sydney, the Université de Paris and the ARDS Aboriginal Corporation, Darwin, to get more children on Croker Island to speak Iwaidja. Here, children from Mamaruni School …
Our Culture02:394,211 views
Mamaruni School - 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'
Children from Mamaruni School, Croker Island, work with community elders and linguists to translate "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" into Iwaidja.
Our Culture02:485,121 views
FRAIM All in One Video Making Workshop: Isobel Lamilami & Loretta Cunningham
Video Produced By Isobel Lamilami & Loretta Cunningham This video was made at FRAIM 2019 as part of the All in One Video Making Workshop Workshop Trainers: Tamara Whyte Jan Cattoni Evan Charlton Assistant Trainer: Graham Wilfred Workshop Support: Vito …
Our Way01:403,565 views
Nangale Nuk
This traditional song from Lindsay Gameraidj carries with it a strong message about eating local food/traditional food. \ The singing is compelling, Lindsay is also the lead singer of the Bininj Band.
Our Culture06:136,389 views
Fresh Warra Boys
Bush tucker is the healthier option.
Our Tucker06:065,130 views
Dodging Illness (Iwaidja)
When asked to develop a script for a health promotion campaign, Stanley decided to rely on some traditional knowledge and apply it to a modern context.
Our Way03:206,142 views
Bushman (Iwadja)
In the old days things were different. What would happen if one of the old people came to the clinic for a check up?
Our Night-time04:037,872 views
Bush Tucker
Eating bush tucker is good for you.
Our Tucker03:068,825 views

Level 1: Language Learning 1·Level 2: Language Learning 2·Level 3: Language Learning 3

Bush Tucker
Level 103:068,825 views
Mamaruni School - 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'
Level 202:485,121 views
Level 302:394,211 views